Speaking Hope and restoring Joy to mend the broken people and make the world a better place to live.
Seeing many lives of orphan children, the elderly that are neglected and left to die, the girl children that drop out of school at an early age due to various problems and challenges, the teenage mothers and the youth at large who do not know what next to do with their lives, we believe we can provide a solution. All they need is to be happy in life again, feel that sense of belonging and being loved and cared for, being able to go to school and acquire education, be able to feed and live healthy, laugh and smile again knowing their voices are heard and they have someone to fight and defend their rights, get medical treatment among others and as Joy and Hope Foundation, we know that if we do all this and even more as we plan to, hope will be restored for a brighter tomorrow happiness will be seen in the lives of these disadvantaged and vulnerable people, and the world will become a better place to live.
It takes teamwork to make the difference we so desperately want to see.
Phillip Mbaziira
Founding Director.